Cattery Costs in Billinge

Cattery Costs in BillingeCattery costs in Billinge may lead you to reject boarding your cat while on holiday. Cats are cool, calm and self-reliant so perhaps you think they are fine when left home alone. The truth is, cats do feel stress and they know when you are making preparations to leave. They are subtle but the signs are there. Kitty may hide when she knows you are preparing to leave. If you are gone for several days, she may stop eating. Another stress signal is exchanging her litter box for secret places in your home. You may also find scratched furniture and walls. Stress can lead to over grooming leaving bare spots in her fur.

Cats need attention and stimulation so when you leave for a holiday trust them to Talbot House Kennels. In Billinge, cattery costs vary but you will find the best value for your money is our cattery at Talbot House. Our family that operates the cattery are animal lovers with experience caring for pets. While we do have boarding for dogs, our cattery is in a quiet separate area where kitty will feel safe. The cattery itself is professionally designed for the cats’ comfort. Our cattery chalets are large enough to comfortably accommodate all your cats together if you have more than one. They are insulated against cold and noise and heated in winter. The bedding is soft and comfortable. Our chalets are situated around a play and exercise area for maximum stress relieving stimulation. We will faithfully administer any medications and we supply good food brands.

When you are considering cattery costs in Billinge, consider the environment and quality of care and interaction your cat will receive. Our cattery at Talbot House Kennels is an exceptional value at £7 per day. Contact Talbot House to find out more about our cattery costs. We offer a discount for additional cats sharing the same chalet. Come by and visit us so you can see our facility for yourself. For less money than your daily lunch, you cat will be safe and cared for at our cosy cattery. That is less stress for the cat and for you as will. Your cat would thank you but it is beneath her dignity.

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