Specialist Cat Groomers in Wigan

cat groomers in WiganSpecialist cat groomers in Wigan are to be found here at Talbot House. We are a boarding kennel and cattery and we provide grooming services to all the dogs and cats that are staying with us. We offer first rate services to pet owners who require it for their feline or canine companions. We have experience with a very large number of breeds, but every now and again we have a new type of visitor, who we welcomed with open arms.

Here in Wigan, our specialist cat groomers had not previously encountered any hairless cats. We were approached by a woman who was scheduled for a surgical procedure and needed us to give lodging to her Canadian Sphynx cat and provide all the necessary regular grooming. Yes, hairless cats do need grooming! This particular breed requires a bath weekly in order to deal with any bacteria on the skin and the excess oil that builds up. Fortunately, like many Sphynx cats, this elegant lady was used to being bathed and put up with her bathing sessions with great patience and dignity. In fact, she seemed to enjoy the soothing contact as she was washed by our groomers. The ear canal of these cats is equally hairless so our staff members also had to clean the cat’s ears a few times each week to remove wax build up. The final weekly grooming requirement was to cut the nails as they grow fast and need to be kept short. Our groomers kept this unusual and truly charming cat clean and healthy until her owner could be reunited with her again.

If you require the services of experienced and loving specialist cat groomers in Wigan for your special feline friend call our staff at Talbot House today and we will be happy to make an appointment!

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