You’ll need a cat grooming service in Chorley to keep your cat clean and healthy. Cats that have long fur need regular grooming and one does not always have the time to groom them properly. This can lead to the cat getting hairballs from swallowing its fur. In the summer the cat will shed more hair and will need frequent grooming to prevent hair being shed or eaten. Short haired cats can also benefit from a professional grooming session. The brushing of the cat’s body brings the blood to the surface and stimulates circulation. Cats enjoy the sensation of a good brush as it mimics the mother licking it.
When your cat’s fur is matted and dirty in Chorley, a cat grooming service will ensure the animal is bathed and brushed properly. Cats will sometimes get themselves very dirty when investigating things. This can mean a trip to the groomer if it becomes covered in oil or some other distasteful compound. It is very difficult to bath a cat on your own or even with help. You can end up full of scratches or bites. We have the knowledge and experience to bath a cat properly and cause the least amount of stress to the animal. Once it is clean and dry a good brushing will have it feeling great.
We offer a cat grooming service in Chorley. Contact Talbot House Kennels today and book your pet in for a professional grooming session. We offer grooming along with our cattery service. Many cats can take care of their daily grooming but when they become older it can be difficult to reach some parts of the body. A good groom once in a while will keep it clean and make it feel better as cats hate to be dirty. Our professional grooming staff always take care to make the animal feel safe and comfortable. We try to make the experience as pleasant as possible for your beloved pet. Regular grooming allows the cat to become used to the bathing and brushing.