Boarding Kennel Prices in Wigan

Boarding Kennel Prices in WiganAre you searching for the best boarding kennel prices in Wigan? On a daily basis people are faced with the dilemma of what to do with their pets when travelling or in an emergency that disrupts the animal’s normal routine and care. Some pet owners entrust their pets to untrained part time custodians which frequently lack the proper knowledge and supervision that inevitably results in the animal becoming ill or running away. Some owners try and solve the problem by taking their pets on vacation with them, which in most instances turns their vacation into a disaster due to pet restrictions, run away pets and travel induced pet illnesses.

In Wigan boarding kennel prices include secure kennels, comfortable accommodation and peace of mind for your pets. The kennels are set in 100 acres of beautifully private owned land of which include vet bedding, sleeping quarters that are individually heated, covered and waterproofed. An onsite full grooming service is provided; a dedicated play area and daily walks are included. Your pet’s daily dietary needs are provided for as the kennels stock most recognized dog food brands, dried and tinned foods. Bitches that are in season can also be accommodated. Utilizing the services of a professional boarding kennel, will ensure your pet has a safe, happy boarding experience, while you are away enjoying your vacation.

Boarding kennel prices in Wigan is a well worth investment for boarding your pets, as the owners are experienced and knowledgeable and provide one of the most secure, safe and dependable pet care facilities. Before booking your pets into boarding kennels, they must be vaccinated for kennel cough, their vaccination certificate must be current, and the animal must be wormed and treated for fleas. As part of the pet care kennel service there is a local vet available and the staff at the kennels are qualified to administer any treatments or medications your pet may require. These boarding kennels have a deep love and respect for animals, and the dedicated operators offer a knowledgeable and high level of pet care ethics within the industry. Owning a pet is not just a privilege-it’s a responsibility. To find boarding Kennels in Wigan call Talbot house today!

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