Looking For Cat Groomers in Eccleston?

cat groomers in EcclestonWe were contacted yesterday by a new customer who was looking for cat groomers in Eccleston. Their much loved family pet loves to roam outdoors in the beautiful Lancashire countryside, but it often comes back with its fur wet and matted. They know that a cat that looks good, will feel good too, that’s why they contacted Talbot House. We don’t just provide a kennel and cattery service, we also provide high quality grooming for both cats and dogs.

The primary reason that they needed Eccleston cat groomers was that their cat had matted hair, after a particularly energetic excursion around some muddy fields. Their cat had lost its beautiful sleek, look but it also appeared sad and less confident than usual. We’re all animal lovers too, and we know how attached owners become to their pets. A bond forms between them, until they know how their animal is feeling just by looking at them. It was time for their cat to get the pampering, and general clean up, that it deserved. They knew from first hand experience that their cat didn’t like them approaching it with a brush, and so they sought expert help.

Our cat groomers in Eccleston are all highly trained, with a wealth of experience. One of the main skills they possess is putting an animal at ease. The grooming service will make a big difference to your cat’s appearance and to their health, but we appreciate that they may not realise what’s good for them at first. We take great care never to cause an animal distress, and we ensure that they remain secure yet comfortable throughout the grooming process. We only use animal friendly shampoos, and our facilities are of the highest standards. The grooming service is available for any cat or dog, not just those who are staying in our kennels and cattery. Make your beloved cat look fresh and wonderful again, and say goodbye to their matted hair, by booking an appointment with our cat loving groomers.

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